Experts in Childcare Nutrition Support

Leading providers of high quality, customised childcare menus that exceed Australian standards.

Benefits of a Dietitian-Designed Menu

Peace of Mind

Ensure that the children under your care meet their nutritional needs through menus aligned with current nutritional guidelines. 

Support for Allergies & Cultural Preferences

We consider the unique requirements of your centre and provide culturally diverse menus. 


Get a competitive advantage

Stand out from your competitors and provide families with the assurance of nutritious and delicious menus crafted by a Dietitian.

Good nutrition during early childhood plays a vital role in a child’s physical and mental development.  It is also key to ensuring children develop life long healthy eating habits and attitudes. 

Our team of accredited practising dietitians will work with your organisation to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of your children and families. 

Our Services

Nutrition Advisors

Menu Development & Review

Staff Training & Parent Nutrition Seminars

Why is Nutrition Important During Child Care?

The early childhood years are a critical time for experiencing new foods and developing eating behaviours and food preferences. Early childcare settings play an important role in exposing children to a variety of nutritious foods and promoting healthy lifelong eating habits. In the early years, children grow and develop more than at any other life stage, so good nutrition is key to support optimal growth, development and overall health. 

Who are we?

The Biting Truth are a team of trusted childhood nutrition consultants and Accredited Practising Dietitians. Anna and Alex are regular guests in the media and appear across TV, radio, online and print publications.

The Biting Truth are in high demand as they are leading experts in the field of childhood nutrition and they deliver reputable, evidenced based advice services. The Biting Truth have 10+ years of experience working within the childcare sector and supporting organisations in improving their health and wellbeing offering.

We are the dietitian partners at Only About Children.

Interested in working with us?

Please complete the form below and we’ll be in touch.